In a world obsessed with the next big break, how-to, tips, tricks, hacks, and never-ending checklists of things you need to do as a creator, is it any wonder creators often have overwhelming feelings of hopelessness and burnout? Our friends and family often don’t know what we are talking about, don’t care, and sadly, some can be downright hostile about it. This leads to us feeling lonely and wondering if we can do this. Is there any hope for our project? Our passion? That’s where The Creator’s Rally Point comes in.
We are a bright spot for creators who need positive content created just for them. This site is made by creators for creators, with a growing list of positive resources to inspire, uplift, and encourage you on your creator’s journey.
Our current list of programs is…
- Writing Rural With Alley
We are honored to walk alongside you on this wild and exciting journey of content creation, bringing joy, hope, and a silver lining.